
Since I have last visited my blog and now that I am writing; a series of events took place. Birthday celebration followed by season of campus placements,followed by Durga Pujo shopping, exams, Diwali….omg, so much so that I had to adjust with life’s flow and nothing happened as I wished. No fantasies. No slow-motion scenes.

Engineering college placements go like this,one has to study hard….as hard as possible because generally its a percentile based selection but then they say, unless your efforts are guided by luck,you won’t be the lucky one(though I promise to not comment on this belief). But the other side of the coin is strange. In case,you don’t get placed when 50% of your classmates are; people will question your character,your grades,your attitude and your medium of studying(funniest ๐Ÿ˜› ) and in case being a 6 pointer or a backlog student you get placed,then be prepared for the wrath… are either a girl(who impressed the HR somehow….really? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ) or you are too lucky for not being asked anything properly! I mean,why comment on others’ success?
Though, you definitely get a tag of getting placed or being unplaced for sometime(ridiculous huh?).

In the meantime, I stopped having rum chocolates, had pani-puri more frequently than ever ๐Ÿ˜€ ,drank chilled drinks almost everyday and did everything that will affect my health; though ended up gaining weight ๐Ÿ˜ฆ ๐Ÿ˜› . The hostel food is always boring but even the nights become worse when you have to watch two films per night to kill boredom,while others sleep peacefully! How come people sleep so much?

I got drained of all energy before Durga Pujoย and there were leastย pandal-visits this time which I had to compensate during this Diwali. Not only during exams,but also during outings and Diwali, I go sleepless;may be recently I am lacking the mental peace required to sleep well or I am working too much, that’s irritating my nerves ๐Ÿ˜ก

But honestly speaking,among all these humdrum affairs….I fought the most with my man,he had to somehow timeshare office work and me(my tension,insecurities,anger and mood swings); hats off to him…..followed by my fighting with mom,dad and sister; am lucky enough to have them,they who understand me, bear with me and never judge me. You know what? the best feeling is when you realize that you will only have your parents to support you for everything and nobody else. People who truly love us are there even when nothing is going well in life ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S: Someone said,”Its karma of a person that affects future. People who don’t make friends,hangout and don’t share great bond with people around even end up losing chances”.ย I don’t agreeย but I will let my readers think about it too. Please feel free to share your thoughts about this on the comments section below.

9 thoughts on “Commotion

  1. About ending up losing chances, I have been a pro. Though I wouldn’t like to blame Karma, in a way its’ all my doing.

    I hope the placements went well. And yes, I have seen the people tagging others for the little success they make. It comes from a place called jealousy.

    Anyhow, final year right? All the best. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  2. The mystic myth of KARMA we don’t relate much now-a-days with our present lifestyle but u know some where some how It feels like it’s all related, like the String theory struggling to bridge the gap of relativity and quantum theory!!

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    • Absolutely! Like being anonymous and being Anonoymous…’s all related,hahaha…..Anyways ,stay connected and keep smiling ๐Ÿ˜Š

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