An open letter to my future husband


Notwithstanding the fact that I might not know you still,I would like to share a thought with you. You know there was a time when I was against marriage.Funnily enough, I would reason out as ‘it’s a forced union for lifetime‘ or that marriage is always accompanied with duties, sacrifice, adjustment; moreover what has anyone achieved getting married in an orthodox society like in India?ahem…look,even while writing against it,I am so excited! 🙂

I have one more-than-a-boy-friend now; we are in a relationship but I have a mixed feeling about relationships 😛 though we love each other more than anything.I have learnt a lot about Bengal by now,being with him.For example…..Bengali (both male and female) engineers love drinking and smoking to an extent that even if it doesn’t affect their social and work life,it does affect their personal life which they refuse to accept.Frankly speaking,I would have really accepted someone who doesn’t drink or smoke had I got married even six months back…but my views started changing after having learnt that a pint of beer or a shot of vodka per month don’t affect mental or physical health though we Indian girls are taught so at home so as to prevent us from drinking and getting into ‘kharab sangat’ ! 😀

I might write about my concept of a ‘husband’ but I would prefer not to do so.Its ridiculous you see,you must be a respectable wise man who does/doesn’t have a girlfriend at the moment,working hard at office/work place and spending your weekends with yourself or with your family though it seems you will feel the need of a life partner soon! 😉 and I am nobody to come up with my crazy demands at the moment 😛

Jokes apart,I am a fun loving girl who dares to like buying accessories and books…well,you can call it an obsession too.You know,nowadays I even borrow books every time I find my purse empty……ummm….besides,I am an honest person and obviously would expect my hubby to be honest with me too…it pisses me off when I find people acting too smart in hiding issues and get caught red handed.Most importantly I love to dominate people,specially my near ones and am a feminist.I hope you are not the one who can boast about his steroid strength and utter stuff like “girls don’t know how to drink,they tend to vomit half of the times” :/

But there are few things that you must know dear before you get married to me and that is….I love freedom of expression and to value my choice(of wearing clothes,hangout,staying alone at times,travelling,listening to loud music,not working at home and being reluctant to family matters).You know,I wish to be a technical writer one day besides being an engineer and so I prefer to concentrate on studies more than in relationships.But in case I fall in love with you or if I know you now and am already in love……then my attachment and priority issues are somewhat biased and clueless now 😛 though my passion will remain constant.

Coming out of comfort zone and keeping a woman happy by being with her,feeling her and making her thoughts and principles yours, is not an easy task.It takes time,efforts and honest attempts though these are generally done by women in India.That’s the difference in sacrifice level and I just wish for something different and better!

Wait,have you read the whole post? Wow…you are so patient with me! I am impressed 😉

Your would-be wife


29 thoughts on “An open letter to my future husband

    • Very difficult question sir 🙂 I think its better that fate plays its role and I get to know whom god has chosen for me.Can we really choose anyone or anything??…haha…well,I prefer to remain silent about it for time being 😀
      Thank you so much for dropping by 🙂


  1. In my experience (which is little, although I’ve been married 43 years), it’s helpful to find a man who thinks like you do, enjoys the same activities, has similar values and faith (if you are a person of faith), and who has good character. Personality differences provide balance and insight, but character and value differences will always cause tension and heartache…and it’s not just a matter of taking on the other person’s ideas, because deep down we all really do believe and feel the way we do, which doesn’t change for love and doesn’t change just to please. I once heard a joke that has some truth to it: “A man marries a woman and hopes she never changes, but she does. (I think this refers to how beautiful a woman is physically when she’s young, but we aren’t so beautiful as we get older.) A woman marries a man and hopes he changes, but he never does.” I think the greatest gift of all is the ability to love one another sacrificially, and that’s also probably the hardest thing to do. Hope you find a wonderful guy and have a very happy life!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you,it is a pleasure to read the wonderful thought you have shared by commenting.I am sure you are quite experienced in relationships and how it all works as we grow up both mentally and physically.
      Am just 22+ now but I know your words are absolutely true as I have felt how hard it is to cope with value differences.
      Thanks a lot 🙂 Hope we will stay connected.


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